Love Letter to our Community

The Western Fair would like to sincerely thank ALL the people who supported our efforts to return a revitalized and reimagined tradition to our community.   

Western Fair is a love story of sorts, a celebration of people and community that has stood the test of time, thanks to all of YOU.

We so appreciate the loyal and long-serving customer, as well as the newcomer who gave the Western Fair a whirl this year – we saw you, we loved your smiles and encouraging feedback.  Thank you!

To ALL our employees, volunteers, partners and sponsors, community groups, vendors and exhibitors, urban and rural organizations, students and families, as well as the wider community, we thank you for the enormous support shown for our comeback.

We hoped we could bring back a fair that would rekindle the magic with our community, and you made our wishes come true.  

We missed you, and we look forward to seeing you ALL again next September.

Thank You.


Creative Arts Exhibitors giving back to our community


Only in OEV Music Garden